Naughton, Corina, PhD, MSc, RN; Drennan, Jonathan, PhD, MEd, RN, RPN; Lafferty, Attracta, PhD, MSc. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect; London Vol. 26, Iss. 3, (2014): 300.
Abstract: "A national representative survey of 2,021 community-dwelling older people was carried out in 2010 using face-to-face interviews. The study examined how the term "elder abuse" was understood by this population and identified factors associated with lower levels of awareness. Over 80% of this population recognized the term elder abuse, and 56% demonstrated specific insight related to typologies, locations, and perpetrators of abuse. Less specific responses were given by 22% of participants, and a further 21% could not give a reply. Less specific or "don't know" responses were independently associated with age 80 years or older, a lower level of education, impaired physical health, and living in economically deprived communities. Despite ongoing public information campaigns, there remained a significant portion of older people who may be unaware of or have limited insight into elder abuse. This study suggests a need for more targeted education campaigns aimed at specific higher-risk groups."