2021: UK: Language, Psychology, and New New Media: The Hyperpersonal Model of Mediated Communication at Twenty-Five Years
2022: IN: Investigating Online Dating Fraud: An Extensive Review and Analysis
2020: UK: Contextualised Cyber Security Awareness Approach for Online Romance Fraud
2020: UK: Automatically Dismantling Online Dating Fraud
2018: UK: Do You Love Me? Psychological Characteristics of Romance Scam Victims
2018: AU: Understanding Romance Fraud: Insights From Domestic Violence Research
2022: AU: “If U Don’t Pay they will Share the Pics”: Exploring Sextortion in the Context of Romance Fraud
2023: US: What Money Can Do: Examining the Effects of Rewards on Online Romance Fraudsters’ Deceptive Strategies
2022: CN: Persuasive Schemes for Financial Exploitation in Online Romance Scam: An Anatomy on Sha Zhu Pan (杀猪盘) in China
2012: UK: The Online Romance Scam: A Serious Cybercrime
2023: AU: More than Money: Examining the Potential Exposure of Romance Fraud Victims to Identity Crime
2022: AU: Exploring Fear of Crime for Those Targeted by Romance Fraud
2021: AU: The Use of Military Profiles in Romance Fraud Schemes
2012: UK: The Psychology of the Online Dating Romance Scam
2020: IT: Online Romance Scams: Relational Dynamics and Psychological Characteristics of the Victims and Scammers. A Scoping Review
2022: AU: “I Suspect That the Pictures Are Stolen”: Romance Fraud, Identity Crime, and Responding to Suspicions of Inauthentic Identities
2017: UK: Online fraud offending within an Australian jurisdiction
2022: US: How Do Individuals Justify and Rationalize their Criminal Behaviors in Online Romance Fraud?
2018: MY: Cyber Romance Scam Victimization Analysis using Routine Activity Theory Versus Apriori Algorithm
2021: UK: Distort, extort, deceive and exploit: Exploring the inner workings of a romance fraud