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2015: US: Psychological and Functional Vulnerability Predicts Fraud Cases in Older Adults: Results of a Longitudinal Study
Peter Alexander Lichtenberg , Michael A. Sugarman , Daniel Paulson , Lisa J. Ficker & Annalise Rahman-Filipiak (2016) Psychological and...
2015: AU: No laughing matter: Blaming the victim of online fraud
No laughing matter: Blaming the victim of online fraud Cassandra Cross Volume 21, Issue 2
2015: US: Cybercrime prevention and law enforcement: a comparative analysis of Nigeria and the United States of America
Oludare, Alaba M. Texas Southern University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2015. 10100954. Abstract: "The Cyberspace is one of the...
2015: AU: The Role of Love stories in Romance Scams: A Qualitative Analysis of Fraudulent Profiles
Kopp, Christian; Layton, Robert; Sillitoe, Jim; Gondal, Iqbal. International Journal of Cyber Criminology; Thirunelveli Vol. 9, Iss. 2, ...
2015: UK: "Winning and losing": vulnerability to mass marketing fraud
Oliver, Sean; Burls, Trish; Fenge, Lee-Ann; Brown, Keith. The Journal of Adult Protection; Brighton Vol. 17, Iss. 6, (2015): 360-370....
2015: CA: Elder abuse: an approach to identification, assessment and intervention
Wang, Xuyi Mimi, MD; Brisbin, Sarah, MSc; Loo, Tenneille, MSc; Straus, Sharon, MD MSc. Canadian Medical Association. Journal: CMAJ;...
2015: IR: Social isolation is associated with reduced neurogenesis, impaired spatial working memory performance, and altered anxiety levels in male rats
Famitafreshi, Hamidreza; Karimian, Morteza; Fanaei, Hamed; Attari, Fatemeh; Sulail Fatima. Open Access Animal Physiology; Macclesfield...
2015: US: "Convenience with the Click of a Mouse": A Survey of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder on Online Dating
Roth, Matthew E; Gillis, Jennifer M. Sexuality and Disability; New York Vol. 33, Iss. 1, (Mar 2015): 133-150....
2015: UK: Anatomy of the online dating romance scam
Whitty, Monica T Security journal, 2015, Vol.28 (4), p.443-455 ISSN: 0955-1662 EISSN: 1743-4645 DOI: 10.1057/sj.2012.57 Abstract: "The...
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